Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mucus And Cramping Before Period Can You Be Pregnant If Your Cramping 2 Weeks Before Your Period?

Can you be pregnant if your cramping 2 weeks before your period? - mucus and cramping before period

I've been down for cramps in the day and even the .. near my next cycle in the hospital the whole time the mucus moves into the morning and these days my face was hot! I make no signs of pregnancy?


got2bhap... said...

It would be possible, but unlikely, since ovulation does not occur normally until one or two weeks before the period. You could ovulate around now, actually (though each woman is different!). Not only that, but symptoms of the first, if your rules. This is because the fertilized egg implant takes time, and then the body needs time to begin, and the creation of HCG - the pregnancy hormone. As always know the only way to test, but must wait until your time is obtained by the accurate results (again, because the HCG will take time to build, before being detected) by test.

The other possibility is that she got pregnant during their last cycle. This was his last "different" for all? MaybEA earlier, lighter than normal, shorter than normal? This could be a sign that it is the implementation of detection and not the current period, and now his symptoms have the same pregnancy.

My guess is that your symptoms are probably something else - dehydration, illness, eating something bad ... who knows. But I'm not a doctor ... If you are very worried, you could go in and see who can help.

me said...

In between periods cramps may, at ovulation. Trying to become pregnant? Or had unprotected sex recently? If not, then I should go see a doctor if you do not start feeling better soon.

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